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I used to read everything. But recently I only read M/M books. And.. I'm really sorry, I'm not an active participant on Booklikes. I use this site only for backup. Meet me on Goodreads. :))



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Kiss Your Scars

Kiss Your Scars - Avril Ashton Notes:

• The sexual tension. Omg! I think I'm having a fever.

• Heads up. There's unwanted hookup (Low and his fuck buddy, Chance). But fear not. Our MC's not in a relationship yet. Kind of off-page sex scene. I dismissed this. Ignored.

• I liked how Renzo honest with Lowell. How he confessed his feelings. I adore him!

• Fuck. I do not want to admit I cried a little because of Renzo.

• This book is sappy. Intense and emotional. It has flaws. But that's the thing. You see the flaws and you do not care. As long as it makes you happy. That's the important thing. If I want something real, I'll just go outside my house and talk to people. I think this is the best book from Mrs. Av after '(Watch Me) Unmask You'. Good god, it was so good. You nailed it, Mrs. Av.