Yes, yes, f*ck yes!
Mac and Jez are totally hot together. They're perfect. I even liked the awkwardness between them. And thank god there's no cheating in here. Because if there's GFY plot, sometimes that's bound to happen.
This is what I've been waiting for. This moment.. Thank goodness I was right. I thought me and Jay Northcote did not have a chemistry at all. I guess I just need to pick the right book for me.
This is like manual guideline of 'How to have a gay sex for the first time'. Lol.. This book was written in Jez's POV (what would I give to be swimming in Mac's head) and ended in HEA. I freaking loved this book! <3<br/>
I have a bad record with Jay Northcote. Kind of hit and miss. But I still want to try this. I have a soft spot for GFY. And this one.. kind of remind me with [bc:Str8te Boys|6562748|Str8te Boys|Evangeline Anderson||6755605]. It's different book for sure. But I have a hunch it gives a same vibe. I hope I'm right. Because I freaking loved that book.