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I used to read everything. But recently I only read M/M books. And.. I'm really sorry, I'm not an active participant on Booklikes. I use this site only for backup. Meet me on Goodreads. :))



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Their Stepsister

Their Stepsister - Alexa Riley Oh my... I can't remember the last time I read M/F. And when I decided to come back, I dived straight to M/F/M.

The blurb intrigues me. I keep telling myself 'this is fiction'. This is my second M/F/M book, btw.

The blurb tells everything. Erotica at it's best. I'll be honest, there's cheesy lines. But you know what? I just burst out laughing. LOL. I don't mind.

Just don't judge too much and you'll enjoy it. It's a good little distraction. *grins*


Hmm..M/F/M. I think I could read this.

NTS : From my dare-me-to-try bookshelf